Thursday, September 19, 2013


Zamboonia has moved to the UK! 

Zamboonia will continue however because the author is back and forward to Zambia.

So for what's happening in the UK, try this my other Blog....


Thursday, August 8, 2013


Bitcoin is a very clever currency that has been around for a few years but only just begging take off. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. The currency is independent of any central authority and can be transferred through a computer or smartphone without an intermediate financial institution. The number of new Bitcoins created is halved every 4 years until the year 2140 when the number will round down to zero. At that time no more Bitcoins will be added into circulation and the total number of Bitcoins will have reached a maximum of 21 million Bitcoins thus keeping inflation out of the equation!

Bitcoins can be traded for cash and are accepted by various merchants around the world and the Virtual Doctor Project is now accepting them as donations. The project can buy equipment for its Virtual Doctor  systems in Africa. If you have any spare Bitcoins, please donate them to us…THANK YOU!

For more information on how we work with Bitcoin…


Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Virtual Doctor Project

 Its been a long time coming, but finally after years of preparation and mud, schlep, toil and spears we now have three rural clinics up and running with our telemedicine service. They are in Kafue and Makeni Districts, not far South of Lusaka, but rural and needy enough for the distant diagnosis service. We will set up another three in August and three more in Lundazi District in November and keep going by Jove!! If you want to know what its all about have a look at our shiny new Website:

Using the internet to help save lives in rural Africa...

Keegan Surrounded by Children From Chanyanya Village one of our clinics sites